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My Gratitude Journal 1.4
KDC Global
>>> Features of My Gratitude Journal<<<“An attitude of gratitude brings great things.”― Yogi Bhajan• ** NEW & EXCLUSIVE ** Add text to an image that relates toyour gratitude entry to a new photo, from your gallery, or choosefrom one of the beautiful images in the My Gratitude Journalgallery!• ** NEW & EXCLUSIVE ** Your choice to set a daily alarm toremind you to practice gratitude• ** COMING SOON ** Safe keep everything securely &privately on the web!• Choose any day in the calendar and write an entry aboutanything you're grateful about• We’ve made it possible for you to write more than one gratitudeper day• View all your gratitudes on all three available screen modes, aswell as the images you’ve attached to them• Easy viewing on calendar mode to see how many days you've beengrateful• Share your gratitudes with the people who made you feel that way,or just to those you love>>> What's the secret to happiness? <<<It's not having specific material things. It's not reaching acertain level of success either. Those who are the happiest arethose who are grateful for what they have. My Gratitude Journal isan easy way to foster gratitude within yourself and reap thebenefits of having a grateful spirit in your daily life.>>> How you can use My Gratitude Journal to improveYour Life <<<“16 years ago I started a gratitude journal and I will have tosay it was the single most important thing I believe I havedone."― Oprah WinfreyBringing gratitude into your life is much easier than you think.All it requires is taking some time out daily to think about whatyou were given over the course of the day. Gratitude doesn't haveto be for tangible things like gifts or favors. You can feelgrateful for a kind smile that a stranger gave you that brightenedyour day, a clear blue sky that boosted your spirits or deliciousfoods that you savored at a meal. The more you think aboutgratitude, the more good things you will find to be grateful for,and over time, you'll find that everything from your mood to yourenergy level to your outlook on life improves.>>> Why My Gratitude Journal was made <<<"When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundanceappears."― Anthony RobbinsThe My Gratitude Journal app was created by a team thatoriginally began studying the benefits of gratitude to improvetheir own individual lives. While researching happiness and wellbeing, we stumbled upon many scientific investigations that showeda powerful link between gratitude and happiness. One of the mostfamous of these is a study conducted by two psychiatrists andpublished in the peer-reviewed journal "Psychiatry." The studyfound that when people took time every day to reflect upon thingsthat they were grateful for, they enjoyed a greater sense of wellbeing and led fuller, happier lives.After reading about the benefits of gratitude, we were inspiredto create a gratitude app that we could use to foster feelings ofgratitude in ourselves while helping others do the same.>>> How My Gratitude Journal Can Help You<<<Writing down the things for which you are grateful makes themmore real in your mind. Using a gratitude app allows you to lookback on the good things in your life when you need a mental boost.My Gratitude Journal makes keeping a written record of yourblessings incredibly simple. You can create entries on your smartphone or tablet wherever you go, so that you can use those sparemoments of downtime to reflect on the things for which you aregrateful. You can also make notes as things happen and then spendtime at the end of the day re-reading your list, and because yourapp is on your digital device, you can be sure that it will remainprivate.Other results of a study indicated that keeping a gratitude listand expressing daily gratitude exercises resulted in higherpersonal levels of:• Awareness• Interest• Purpose• Positivity• Vigour• Progress• Happiness
My Gratitude Journal - Ltd Ed 1.0.5
KDC Global
What's the secret to happiness?It's not having specific material things. It's not reachingacertain level of success either. Those who are the happiestarethose who are grateful for what they have. My Gratitude Journalisan easy way to foster gratitude within yourself and reapthebenefits of having a grateful spirit in your daily life.>>> How you can use My Gratitude Journal to improveYourLife <<<“16 years ago I started a gratitude journal and I will havetosay it was the single most important thing I believe Ihavedone."― Oprah WinfreyBringing gratitude into your life is much easier than youthink.All it requires is taking some time out daily to think aboutwhatyou were given over the course of the day. Gratitude doesn'thaveto be for tangible things like gifts or favors. You canfeelgrateful for a kind smile that a stranger gave you thatbrightenedyour day, a clear blue sky that boosted your spirits ordeliciousfoods that you savored at a meal. The more you thinkaboutgratitude, the more good things you will find to be gratefulfor,and over time, you'll find that everything from your mood toyourenergy level to your outlook on life improves.>>> Why My Gratitude Journal was made <<<"When you are grateful, fear disappears andabundanceappears."― Anthony RobbinsThe My Gratitude Journal app was created by a teamthatoriginally began studying the benefits of gratitude toimprovetheir own individual lives. While researching happiness andwellbeing, we stumbled upon many scientific investigations thatshoweda powerful link between gratitude and happiness. One of themostfamous of these is a study conducted by two psychiatristsandpublished in the peer-reviewed journal "Psychiatry." Thestudyfound that when people took time every day to reflect uponthingsthat they were grateful for, they enjoyed a greater sense ofwellbeing and led fuller, happier lives.After reading about the benefits of gratitude, we wereinspiredto create a gratitude app that we could use to fosterfeelings ofgratitude in ourselves while helping others do thesame.>>> How My Gratitude Journal Can HelpYou<<<“Whatever you appreciate and give thanks for will increaseinyour life.”― Sanaya RomanWriting down the things for which you are grateful makesthemmore real in your mind. Using a gratitude app allows you tolookback on the good things in your life when you need a mentalboost.My Gratitude Journal makes keeping a written record ofyourblessings incredibly simple. You can create entries on yoursmartphone or tablet wherever you go, so that you can use thosesparemoments of downtime to reflect on the things for which youaregrateful. You can also make notes as things happen and thenspendtime at the end of the day re-reading your list.Other results of a study indicated that keeping a gratitudelistand expressing daily gratitude exercises resulted inhigherpersonal levels of:• Awareness• Interest• Purpose• Positivity• Vigour• Progress• Happiness>>> Features of My Gratitude Journal <<<“An attitude of gratitude brings great things.”― Yogi Bhajan• Write an entry about anything you're grateful about• Write more than one gratitude per day!• Add photos to help you visualize what you were grateful for• View all your gratitudes on all three screen modes• Share your gratitudes with the people who made you feel thatway,or just to those you love